Wedding photography
How will you receive your photos and how long will it take?
Your photos will be ready no later than 4 months after the event and you will receive them online and on USB 3.0 stick.Why would you need 2 photographers at your wedding?
A photographer cannot be in two places at the same time and two can capture the same moment from various angles and focus on different moments.Are the 2 photographers Bianca & Sergiu?
Depending on the package you choose, we can cover your wedding together or justone of us together with an additional photographer. We choose them similar in style and vibe and we edit all the photos just to keep the quality of the portfolio.What areas do we cover? Is the cost of the trip included in the price?
We shoot in Bucharest and Ploiesti at no extra cost. For the rest of the cities, the cost of travel is borne by the customer.The civil wedding on another day does not include the party
The civil wedding represents the following series of events: officiating from the civil status, photos with the guests immediately after and a mini photo shoot with the bride and groom.How are we as people?
We'll let you see for yourself and you can get an idea here: About Us, Facebook Reviews, or here: #silhouettes_roPachete fotografie nuntă 2025
We also provide videography services
We know that most of you are looking for photo-video packages so don't panic, we work with talented and professional videographers so we can send you a complete offer!
Fill in the offer form
If you want to get to know us, we invite you to follow us on instagram! Hint: go straight to the REELs, you'll have a great time!